Master’s Thesis National

National Master's Thesis


The Amorós Awards of the Fundación de Investigación en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte 2025 are summoned, in its VIII edition, to the best master’s thesis official of sports research read in Spanish universities.


The purpose of the awards is to encourage, foment and recognize the effort made in the master’s thesis official in sports stuff. The aim is to improve the quality of their study and contribute to the understanding and dissemination of the Sciences Physical Activity and Sports.


1st Prize € 2,000 + Trophy + Accreditation Certificate. 2nd Prize € 1,000 + Accreditation Certificate. 3rd Prize € 500 € + Accreditation Certificate.

General rules and bases of the call

  • The endowment of the awards will be indivisible, will be made by bank transfer and will be subjects to bank charges and submitted to taxation according to current legislation Spanish.
  • The prizes are awarded to the best master’s thesis official of sports research read in Spanish universities in the years 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.
  • Master’s thesis official must be written in Spanish or English.
  • They can opt to the prizes all the authors who have read and approved their master’s thesis official that are linked to the sports phenomenon in any of its manifestations, in the Spanish universities in the years 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and make a deposit or bank transfer of € 115 in the form of a donation to the Foundation, in concept of inscription.
  • Applications to opt for prizes must submit the following documentation:
    1. A digital copy of the master’s thesis.
    2. Application form completed and signed.
    3. Letter of reference from the academic authority that certifies that the master has official status, the date the master’s thesis was defended and the obtained qualification.
    4. Copy of the National Identity Document.
    5. Receipt of the deposit or bank transfer of the payment of the inscription. Indicating in concept: donation prizes and name and surname.
  • If the author does not present the income tax return in Spain, it is admitted that another person donates, in order to benefit from the deduction in the income tax return in Spain. You must provide us with your personal data to send you the corresponding donation certificate. Likewise, it will indicate in the concept of the payment of the inscription: donation prizes and name and surname of the author.
  • The documentation must be sent through the inscription form enabled on this web page before February 28, 2025.
  • The inscription process will end when the Foundation sends a confirmation email.
  • Aspirants will not be reimbursed for any costs incurred in submitting their application.
  • The Foundation is not responsible for lost, misdirected or delivered late the requests.
  • The inscription of each aspirant releases and exempts the Foundation from the responsibilities, complaints, litigation and demands that arise from or in relationship with the Amorós Awards. The aspirant will indemnify the Foundation for all complaints and demands that may arise from third parties in relation to the applicant’s participation in the Amorós Awards, for having a conflict of interest or for the breach of these rules and bases.
  • The Scientific Committee of the Foundation will evaluate the master’s thesis official that aspires to the prizes.
  • The Scientific Committee will perform the assessment of the aspiring master’s thesis official according to evaluation criteria developed by the Foundation as they appear in Annex III.
  • The decision of the Scientific Committee will be unappealable.
  • The members of the Foundation can not present master’s thesis official to these awards.
  • The members of the Scientific Committee of the Foundation that present their inscription to these awards will not make valuations in this category.
  • The aspirant master’s thesis official may be withdrawn within the period of submission of master’s thesis official and only 50% of the donation will be refunded, minus the bank commissions. After the deadline for submitting the master’s thesis official, no cancellation will be returned.
  • If there is not enough quorum to cover the prizes, if the master’s thesis official do not meet the conditions required in the call or do not conform to the object of the same, the prizes will be declared deserts and 100% of the donation will be returned minus the bank commissions.
  • The prizes will be delivered together with a certificate accrediting, in an act whose date and place will be previously announced. The winners will collect the prize personally or through a person delegated expressly by the author.
  • The Foundation will not cover the expenses of the winners, caused by the collection of the prizes.
  • The awarding of prizes will only be communicated to the winners and will be published on the Foundation’s web page, specifying the name and image of the authors, the titles of the master’s thesis official and the universities where they were defended.
  • The winners authorize the Foundation to obtain images, as well as to record totally or partially during the celebration of the awards ceremony, giving their consent so that their name and image can be used in the promotion and dissemination of the Amorós Awards, all possible ways, giving all rights related to the use and dissemination that the Foundation considers appropriate to execute, without the right of the recipient to receive any economic compensation, provided that its use is exclusively related to the Amorós Awards.
  • The signature of the application form implies the acceptance of all the bases described in this call.


Criteria for evaluation of the master’s thesis official in sports research read in Spanish universities


Title (clearly reflects the content)      0-5

Introduction, justification and approach of the objectives      0-5

Methodology (adaptation to the objectives)      0-10

Results (they are solid and do not provide opinions)      0-10

Discussion (is consistent with the results and adapts to the objectives)      0-10

Conclusions (they adapt to the objectives and are consistent with the results)      0-5

References/Bibliography (adequate, reliable, sufficient, updated)      0-5

Relevance      0-5

Originality/Innovation      0-5

Implementation in society      0-5

TOTAL       0-65

The final score will be obtained by calculating the average of the scores awarded by the different members of the Scientific Committee with the right to evaluation.

© Copyright 2017 – Fundación de Investigación en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte – Todos los derechos reservados